How to Use Social Advertising to Promote my Business Online?

social media engagement
social media engagement

When it comes to advertising and planning the marketing budget of any business, social advertising is one of the soundest investments to make. Using social advertising can be a little complex as it involves a lot of testing, checking and analysing. For beginners, it can be a cumbersome task, but the techniques can be known with a little practice and research.

Marketing with social media is gaining hype in the business world because of its endless benefits. You can read the top 10 benefits of social media marketing here. Before stepping into this vast world of marketing with social media, you need to learn a few basics like which sites to use, how to use them, how they are beneficial etc.

What is social marketing?

The three best social media campaigns used by people to promote their websites are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Let’s go in the depth.


Twitter comes into the category of micro-blogging tools. It has a fixed word limit for its tweets.

  • To start advertising your website or business on Twitter, first sign up for Twitter with your unique username and password.
  • After signing up, build an active profile. Mention every detail and information regarding your website which can be useful to the users as it going to be the foundation.
  • Start following people with the same interests and work as of you. This way you can connect with the people within the same community, and it helps you build an image and reputation.
  • Moreover, you can be noticed by some glossy brands and can get some reasonable offers from them.
  • The most important thing to do is to drive traffic to your website or your blog. Share the pictures, videos and other samples in your tweets. When people like your pictures and videos, they will surely check out your website too.

Twitter also offers advertising facility. You can promote your brand on Twitter and build a brand image.


The process for beginning with Facebook is also similar. You need to signup first with an id, and if you already have an id, you can create a facebook official page for your website.

  • Facebook can be used to target your family, friends and gain new followers.
  • Facebook ads can also be used for advertising. For example, whenever you log in to your newsfeed, you see a lot of ads on the sides. You can place one like them too.
  • By promoting the discounts and offers on a Facebook page, you can gain a lot of followers and traffic to your website.
  • You can measure your Facebook advertising performance by using various tools provided by Facebook for tracking the performance.

Facebook has set standards and benchmarks for the different type of industries. Salesforce has an excellent benchmark chart which must be viewed to get an idea of performance by industry.


LinkedIn is more useful for business to business marketing. You will find many large business houses there advertising and wait to collaborate with small ones.

  • Facebook and Twitter are popular for business to customer marketing as it helps you to target the consumers whereas LinkedIn has campaigns primarily for business to business marketing.
  • LinkedIn offers various advertising options such as sponsored posts, sponsored emails, display as etc.
  • Sponsored posts: These posts are positioned at the top so that your target audience sees whenever they log in. A lot of job hunters and recruiters regularly visit LinkedIn to grab the best opportunity. The sponsored ads have a higher chance of being noticed.
  • Sponsored emails: LinkedIn allows you to send sponsored promotion emails to your target audience and followers. Email communication is a very useful way to contact the maximum people.
  • Display ads: Display ads are the standard ads as you would place on your facebook or twitter page. You have to post regular updates to get your display ads noticed.

Benefits of social advertising:

Using social media as a marketing tool can help you accelerate your small website. You can make use of various targeting features and rotate your ads frequently. Read here on how to use the social media as a marketing tool.

Also, social media marketing for business has relatively lower costs that all other marketing channels. It reduces the costs to the company and hence, it is most suitable for small business and websites that are in the initial stages. Have a look at the following social media strategy to increase social media engagement:

  • Build a teaser website to promote the main site before launching.
  • Use other social media such as Instagram, Snapchat for promotion.
  • Run call to actions (CTA) and contests.
  • Integrate with people outside.
  • Start blogging and make good use of it.
  • Offer promotional prices and host giveaways.

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Also Check: How to Generate Huge Traffic on your Website Without Spending Money?

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